Welcome to Tattvamassi

Organisational Development Coaching

"Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them"

- John Whitmore,

in Coaching for Performance.

Build team communication
Instil business accountability & ownership
Boost Your Problem-Solving Capacity
Reduce Staff Turnover

Research and experience show that employees perform better when positively coached, rather than being constantly evaluated.

Through our coaching sessions, we carve out coachable moments in order to draw out distinctions and promote shifts in thinking and behaviour. We are your mind-partners, act as catalysts, endeavour to empower you, embolden you and help you move towards your goals.

Through team training and individual coaching, Tattvamassi facilitates a realignment of pathways so that each contributing member is aware of their role and impact.

Topics Covered In Group Coaching

Through my vast experience in the sales & service industry, I believe that the greatest resource of any company is its people. Very early in my career, I had forged a passion for nurturing & coaching young leaders.

Through my vast experience in the sales & service industry, I believe that the greatest resource of any company is its people. Very early in my career, I had forged a passion for nurturing & coaching young leaders.

Through my vast experience in the sales & service industry, I believe that the greatest resource of any company is its people. Very early in my career, I had forged a passion for nurturing & coaching young leaders.

Through my vast experience in the sales & service industry, I believe that the greatest resource of any company is its people. Very early in my career, I had forged a passion for nurturing & coaching young leaders.

Through my vast experience in the sales & service industry, I believe that the greatest resource of any company is its people. Very early in my career, I had forged a passion for nurturing & coaching young leaders.

Through my vast experience in the sales & service industry, I believe that the greatest resource of any company is its people. Very early in my career, I had forged a passion for nurturing & coaching young leaders.

Through my vast experience in the sales & service industry, I believe that the greatest resource of any company is its people. Very early in my career, I had forged a passion for nurturing & coaching young leaders.

Through my vast experience in the sales & service industry, I believe that the greatest resource of any company is its people. Very early in my career, I had forged a passion for nurturing & coaching young leaders.

Through my vast experience in the sales & service industry, I believe that the greatest resource of any company is its people. Very early in my career, I had forged a passion for nurturing & coaching young leaders.

Through my vast experience in the sales & service industry, I believe that the greatest resource of any company is its people. Very early in my career, I had forged a passion for nurturing & coaching young leaders.

Building Resilience
Dealing With Difficult People
Navigating Through Change
Manage Emotions In Tough Times
Powerful Habits
Strategies To Transform Relationships
Learning To Say NO
Characteristics Of Successful People
Numbers Speak Louder Than Words
Become A Sale-A-Brity

Frequently Asked Questions

One learns something new in a training session. Sometimes training even helps us to brush up on a few learnings. A coach helps you apply the skills that you want to instil for yourself. A coach also constantly shows you the mirror to help you reach the goals. Coaching helps you build accountability for yourself. It empowers you to upskill and reskill.

At Tattvamassi, we do an initial session to build rapport and devise the goal statement. You have to only pay for the coaching sessions and not for the initial enquiry.

We recommend at least 4 sessions. One session per week or one session per fortnight. Post the initial 4 sessions , the coachee will be able to decide for themselves on whether they need any more sessions.

A typical coaching session starts with designing of the desired goal. If the coachee attains the stated goal or is feeling empowered enough to pursue it by himself/ herself, you can safely assume that the engagement was fruitful.

At the coach's office, over virtual medium or over the phone. It will be based upon the coachee's preference. All steps will be taken to keep the conversation secluded, private & confidential.

All conversations with your coach are confidential and private and absolute secrecy will be maintained. However if the coach feels that you are undergoing trauma, extreme stress, he/ she will deem it fit to refer you to a counsellor/ psychiatrist as the case may be. Coaching sessions could be discontinued for the period of time until you are able to get back to normalcy.

As in any profession, it is always better to refer to a specialist who is licensed & accredited by the International Coaching Federation. Coaching is an unregulated industry in India, therefore this is an important consideration.

Never. You may choose to go to various coaches at various stages of your life. Or you may choose to go to a coach one time. It's personality driven.

A Coach will never advise you on what to do. In fact the coach will inspire you to become the best version of yourself and find your answers.

Do you have a vision? Do you have a dream? Do you need someone to listen to you without judgement - a coach is your answer.

Take our assessment to understand if you really need a coach.