
David Ogilvy once said, “The way up the ladder is open to everybody”. But what does it actually mean to ‘climb up the corporate ladder?

The ladder is a metaphor for the advancement or directional path of an employee within an organization. Based on internal hierarchies and industry type, the corporate ladder varies with every company, and more importantly, every individual. 

In today’s world, the larger part of the workforce is occupied by millennials and hence the lessons that were taught to their seniors may not stand valid. Why? Millennials enjoy and appreciate flexibility and convenience. They value having stable mental and physical health and like to learn in their own new, experimental ways. They are a group that’s unafraid to try new things, even if it means changing their career paths multiple times. Therefore, something that would be looked at negatively in the past is seen as an indicator of more personal growth and maturity today. 

With so much competition around, how does one start climbing the corporate ladder? 

Before taking the first step on the ladder, it is important to set one’s career goals. In order to do this, ask yourself a set of questions that will guide you to your answer and also act as the motivation to take on the challenge. 

  • Where are you now, and where do you wish to be?
  • Where do your interests lie?
  • What are your key takeaways from previous reviews?
  • How can you better yourself to achieve your goal?

Now that your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) has been determined, time to climb up!

Step 1: Create a Blueprint

This blueprint will act as the ultimate guide to success. It allows one to create their own path to the top and sheds light on the big picture, motivating one to stay focused and draw up an action plan to achieve one small goal at a time instead of getting overwhelmed by the size of it all.

Step2: Get to work

Let your dedication and perseverance towards the job and the goal do the talking for you. Staying on top of your work and working smarter allows you to stand out in the crowd. While you’re at it, draw boundaries for yourself to avoid burnout.

Step 3: Keep learning

Staying motivated every day could seem like a herculean task. Make time to learn new things to re-energize your mind and body. Keep an eye on changes in the industry, follow what the leaders or experts of the industry are saying today. Aim to up-skill and learn new skills as part of your career development as well as personal growth. All of these efforts aid you in becoming an asset to the company.

Step 4: Network, network, network

Reports say that networking is one of the top traditional ways to discover new opportunities, lessons, and people! The stronger your network, the more seamless your growth. Networking with peers is the easiest way to begin, but you can also take it one step further by seeking out a professional mentor. This person can weigh in and provide invaluable feedback and be a part of your journey to the top. Attending networking events and being part of local business clubs could double your chances of getting to know the right people.

Step 5: Be a good team player

Working with a team not only gives your managers and peers an insight to your values as a person, it also adds value to your personal growth. Learning from others is the fastest and easiest way to learn. Nurturing positive relations amongst co-workers builds faith and better results.

Step 6: Initiate more

It is now time to drop all inhibitions about being a follower instead of a leader. With trustworthy peers by your side, take the call to be more initiative and suggestive of ideas to the right groups. One way to overcome any inhibitions about voicing your ideas is to think “as if”. As if you were the manager; What would you do then? With this, you learn to pay more attention to how those at a higher position than you function, manage, communicate and live their day at work. Make notes and devise your own way of working. This little study allows you to think and plan ahead of time. 

Step 7: Keep track of your accomplishments

Build your portfolio. With so much happening every day, it is easy to forget the big achievements over time. Keeping a track of it without boasting helps you prepare for your current and future role, giving seniors the clarity they need on your ability to deliver.

Step 8: And finally Stay motivated through it all.

Climbing the ladder is not an overnight task. It is one that takes and needs patience and perseverance in order to be achieved. When things seem stagnant no matter how much effort is being put in, go back to your blueprint and reflect on what motivated you to take on this challenge. Keep your eyes on the prize and persevere till you succeed. 

While all this might seem simple, sometimes we need help breaking through these plateaus. This is where working with a coach has helped millions across the world set themselves up for success. A coach not only acts as a sounding board but also questions your decisions to help you access the best way forward for you.

If you are ready to succeed and want to work with a coach reach out to us at www.tattvamassi.com